Alabama Pediatrician: Conversations & Information for Your Practice
The "Alabama Pediatrician" is a service to members of the Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics. With each episode, we bring you up-to-date information affecting pediatric practice in Alabama, including relevant updates from state pediatric leaders as well as "hot" clinical topics from pediatric specialist experts in Alabama.
Alabama Pediatrician: Conversations & Information for Your Practice
Meet the National AAP President Elect, Dr. Sue Kressly!
Get to know the inspirational Dr. Sue Kressly as she talks about her journey to AAP leadership and what she hopes to accomplish as President next year! Also, learn why the AAP is important at a local and national level and what it can do for you!
For AAP resources on Medicaid Unwinding: click here.
For AAP resources and support on promoting vaccines: click here.
If you have any questions or concerns for Dr. Kressly, let us know!